Modern Learning Commons
The learning commons, sometimes called an “information commons,” has evolved from a combination library and computer lab into a full-service learning, research, and project space. As a place where students can meet, talk, study, and use “borrowed” equipment, the Modern Learning Commons brings together the functions of libraries, labs, lounges, and seminar areas in a single community gathering place.
Opportunity Statement
Venture opportunities related to Modern Learning Commons focus on products and services that support schools, education systems, adult learning programs and corporate learning environments to flexibly integrate tools and content that serve their audiences learning objectives.
Prediction Source(s):
Posted in: Emerging Markets Poll
Danielle 9:26 pm on May 9, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
The link above is broken but I may have found the correct article here:
Brian H 12:58 pm on May 13, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I am going solo on this one I think. I believe we need to attempt to connect face to face with others when the opportunity presents itself. For example, there are a few other MET students in Victoria that I have met with at a local pub during courses. With our laptops and a pint in hand, we manage to have significant MET conversations and use each other as sounding boards in a way that can only be done face to face.
For the University level students coffeeshops/pubs are already taking up this endeavour but there may still be a market for a style or franchise that nails this demographic. Study lounge by day and a night life hub at night. A place of work and play, sounds fun right?
A PG model will need to be set up for public middle and high schools. I do not know what it would to look like but I do know that brick and mortar schools with row by row seating, are not conducive to the types of learning I see coming in the future.